번역 관련 글이 올라왔길래 시험삼아 아래 글을 시험삼아 여러 번역 사이트를 통해 영어로 변역해 봤습니다. 


1) 네이버파파고

Back in 2012, it said that reading and writing were faster than Samsung, so I bought it because I thought it would be cheaper. I guess few people are buying the ADATA SSD these days.

In the past, when the power supply exploded, it was not connected to the main body of the computer, but when I picked it up on the duplex, the data was intact and the data was transferred to a different disk and replaced, so I had an experience.


마지막 경험 관련 내용이 이상하게 번역된걸 빼면 제일 번역이 잘된것 같습니다.


2) 카카오 번역

In 2012, I bought it because it said that it was faster to read than Samsung, so I bought it because it was cheaper.

I did not connect to the computer body when I burst the power supply in the past, but when I put it in the duplier, the data was in good condition, so I had the experience of being stable enough to transfer the data to another disk and replace it.


제대로 번역된것 같으면서도 빠진 내용이 많습니다. ADATA SSD라는 단어는 아예 대명사로 바뀌었네요.


3) 구글 번역

I bought it because it says that it is cheaper than the Samsung in 2012 and it is cheaper than the price because it is written faster than Samsung.

I have not been able to connect the computer to the power supply in the past, but when I put it in the duplicator, I found that the data was in a good state, so I moved it to another disk and it was stable enough to replace it.


문장의 뜻이 완전히 바뀌었습니다. 파워 서플라이는 폭발한 것에서 갑자기 연결할수 없는것으로 바뀌었고 뒤 내용도 다릅니다.


4) 빙 번역

In 2012, I bought a lot faster than Samsung, the read writing is also cheaper to buy because it looks like it is less expensive, but it is almost impossible to see ADATA SSD Reaper.

Once the power supply was not connected with the computer body, but when I was in the Duplo, the data was in a fine condition, and I had experience that it had been moved to a different disk, so the stability had also been replaced.


Reaper라는 원문에는 없는 단어가 나오거나 파워 서플라이가 폭발한 것이 연결되지 않았을 때로 바뀌는 등 매우 부정확합니다.


번외) WorldLingo 번역기

That only former times 2012 chart Samsung step the writing which it reads all is quicker, it will be being recorded and from also the price will be cheap from to want and the now when it buys but it sees and ADATA  SSD it lives and the minute when it wears out it listens and almost the heirloom your bedspread which is not.

When from power the fly breaking in former times, with the computer main body connection the tyu pulley khey which does not become sprouts and when counting, sees and the data from about shameless condition only data with the different disk to move the bedspread which has the experience where also the stability is superior at the degree which will be the enemy who is shifted.


번역기가 아니라 오역기라고 불러도 될 정도의 처참한 번역입니다. 

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