vultr에서 2020년 1월부터 한국에 거주하는 고객에게 부가세 10%를 징수한다고 하는데


Dear Valued Client, will start collecting a Value Added Tax (also known as VAT) for services provided to our customers located in South Korea after 2020 January 01. This change comes in order to comply with new rules extending the scope of VAT to non-resident B2C providers of cloud computing services in 2019. This will begin on 2020 January 01 and thereafter your invoices will include an additional tax charge of 10%. The tax will be collected and remitted to the South Korean government by and affects all of our B2C customers.

If your account should be marked exempt, please open a ticket and submit your VAT proof to If you don’t provide a business VAT ID, your account charges might increase.

If you have any questions about this upcoming change, please contact our support team today. Thank you again for being a customer!

The Team


이게 개인 고객에게 징수한다는 말인가요? all our B2C customers가 저같은 일반 사용자를 말하는 걸까요? 궁금합니다.

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    저도 받았네요.
    한국에 있는 모든 고객대상인듯하네요.

    근데 vultr이 한국에 법인이 있나요?

    어떻게 Tax를 한국에 납부하는지 신기하네요

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    하.. 10% 인상이라니 ㅋㅋㅋ
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    디지털오션도 저번에 10퍼센트 부가세 부과 메일 왔는데 vultr마저 이러면..... Linode가 마지막 희망인건가요...?

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    부가세는 사업자냐 아니냐 관계없이 일단 무조건 걷고, 사업자면 나중에 국세청에서 환급받는 시스템입니다.

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    아하 그렇군요. 좋은 정보 감사합니다.