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안녕하세요? 오늘 페이스북에서 다음과 같은 메일을 받았습니다.


그 동안 SNS 로그인을 문제 없이 잘 사용했는데 뭐가 문제인지 모르겠기에 이렇게 글을 올리게 되었습니다. 



In working to create a great Platform experience for everyone, we ask developers to ensure the apps they build comply with our Platform Policies. Your app OOOOOOO(사이트명) doesn't comply with the following:

Platform Policy 8.1: Verify that you have integrated Login correctly. Your app shouldn't crash or hang during the testing process.

During Login, your app or website is crashing or hanging excessively, creating a broken experience for people trying to use your Login integration. To make sure this flow runs smoothly, check that you've integrated Facebook Login correctly. We recommend that you test Login on all integrations. If you have not already done so, please:

• We encourage you to test your Login integration following these steps here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/testing-your-login-flow/
• Best Practices for Login can be found here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/best-practices

You can access the full list of our Platform Policies here: https://developers.facebook.com/policy/.

Please make the requested changes by 2019-03-13 at 12:00 PST.

Let us know when you've updated your app by replying to this email. If we do not hear back from you, your app will be subject to enforcement. If you have outstanding questions, respond here and we'll do our best to help. 




원인은 무엇이고, 어떻게 조치를 취해야 하는지 알려주시면 감사하겠습니다.


현재 소셜XE를 사용하고 있고 XE 1.11.2 를 사용 중입니다. 





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    8.1 조항에 뭐..통합되지 않은 로그인?이 있다는것 같은데용?
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    로그인중에 딜레이가 너무 길거나 실패하는 등의 이유로 이메일을 보냈다고 합니다.
    다 해결하면 3월 13일까지 이메일로 답장 달라고 하네요.


    해결방법은 저기 있는 링크 두개를 참고하라고 합니다.

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    답변 감사합니다!