연관 채널이 같이 뜨게끔 하고 싶어서요...
여기 3번에 구조화된 데이터 마크업이 있는데요...
Microdata 형식으로 구현한 예제가 있어서 해봤는데요...
레이아웃 상세설정에서 헤더스크립트<head>와 </head> 에 밑에 있는걸 붙여넣기 해서 저장했어요.
<span itemscope="" itemtype="https://schema.org/Organization"> <link itemprop="url" href="https://xn--cw0b40f08n.com"> <a itemprop="sameAs" href="https://www.youtube.com/c/Ggumdongsan1"></a> <a itemprop="sameAs" href="https://story.kakao.com/ggumdongsan"></a> <a itemprop="sameAs" href="https://twitter.com/ggumdongsan1"></a> <a itemprop="sameAs" href="https://blog.naver.com/ggumdongsan2"></a> <a itemprop="sameAs" href="https://plus.google.com/+Ggumdongsan1"></a> <a itemprop="sameAs" href="https://www.facebook.com/ggumdongsan1"></a> </span>
잘 쓴거 맞나요?
2번째 줄에 url부분을 바꿔줘야 하는건지... 아니면 잘 한건지 모르겠어요...
구조화된 데이터 테스팅 도구에서는 잘 뜨구요....
Structured Data Linter에서는 퓨니코드로 바꿔줘서 잘 뜨더라구요... 오류가 나오는것 같긴 한데.. 이해가 안되요..
Linter Messages
validation https://xn--cw0b40f08n.com: Errors found during processing
validation https://xn--cw0b40f08n.com: ERROR <https://xn--cw0b40f08n.com>: 78:1: ERROR: @78:1: That tag isn't allowed here Currently open tags: html, body.. </head> ^ 80:1: ERROR: @80:1: That tag isn't allowed here Currently open tags: html, body.. <body> ^ 239:57: ERROR: @239:57: That tag isn't allowed here Currently open tags: html, body, div, nav, div, div, div, form.. <input type="text" name="is_keyword" value=""></input> ^
property og:url: Object "https://꿈동산.com/"@ko not compatible with range (ogc:url)
property og:image: Object "https://꿈동산.com/files/attach/xeicon/default_image.png?20170402173031"@ko not compatible with range (ogc:url)
어떻게 하면... 연관채널에 반영이 될까요? 제가 잘 해논건 맞나요?